Saturday, February 25, 2017

Loopin Birthdays

Looper Birthdays seem to be popping up quickly and close together here at Turner Marine. Nobody is complaining though. It creates a perfect chance for us to meet, relax, laugh and share! It also is a link to home. We left part of our lives behind when we began this journey. This is one part that we carry and share along the way.


Susan invited a few of us over to Veritas, a 41 foot Island Packet, to celebrate David's birthday. She made gluten free brownies and Irish Coffee. There was plenty of beer to go around as well. We had a wonderful time chatting about boats, catching up on projects and reminiscing. David got a stunning Mardi Gras Fluer-de-lis necklace and a box of Moon Pies in honor of his special day.

Rhonda & Scott Joiner and David Taylor "Birthday Boy"


Gluten Free, Cast Iron Brownies

Scott Joiner's birthday was next. We invited Scott and Rhonda over to Mystic for a age progression toast. We also invited Henry, Susan and David. We gave Scott a Sara Lee chocolate chip brownie, compliments of a Mardi Gras catch (I caught an entire BOX of them). Although we didn't have birthday candles, we lit a starfish candle for him to blow out while we sang Happy Birthday. Henry brought Scott a bottle of white wine and Susan and David brought him a can of Dale's beer. Dave Rogers made sure everyone knew what the little circle on the side of the can was for. Apparently it's to make the can into a pipe once the beverage is gone. I have no idea how he knows this information!

Scott checking out the "Dot" on Dale's beer can

Dave explaining the "Dot"

The Dale's beer can "Dot"

Dave sharing wine with Henry

A birthday toast

The Birthday Squad
Susan, David, Henry, Dave, Rhonda & Scott

Photos by Henry Krzemien Using a Fish Eye Lens

Celebrating birthdays on the loop is a special experience. It fosters a sense of community which really does exist in the cruising world. I once read a story about a young girl who was cruising with her family. On her birthday she wanted to make a cake but they didn't have any eggs on board. She put out a request for two eggs and got something like 30 eggs within an hour. In addition, the entire boating community came together with trinkets for this young lady; making her birthday one she'll never forget.

I'm not sure who's birthday is next but I know there will be a celebration. It's a great way to build on our community spirit.

1 comment:

leemikcee said...

All kinds of fun experiences you couldn't have anticipated. A very satisfying adventure you're having there! Hugs!