Friday, June 25, 2021

From Marina Dwellers To Loopers

We moved back aboard our Alberg 35, s/v Mystic on June 22, 2021. She was on the hard at Frank Hall Boatyard in Avondale, Rhode Island. It stormed all day, dropping about an inch of rain. At dusk, the sky turned bright orange and rewarded us with the first sunset of our cruising season. 

We got Mystic on the marina calendar to launch on Wednesday. We were up at dawn, delighted just to be aboard again. The marina crew was ready to "splash" us at 8:00 am. Things happened quickly, they had her off the stands and on the trailer lift in minutes. Mike drove her over on the boat trailer and lined her up with the harbor hoist while a yard worker managed the transfer to the slings. It was fast, professional and anticlimactic, but for us, it was also emotional. We are finally back in the water after sitting for almost 2 years!

Moving Mystic to the launch bay

Splashing Mystic 2021

Mike moving Mystic through the yard

Our empty land dock

Transfer to the Harbor Hoist

Ready to Splash

She's IN

Back to Looping

We sat at the dock for a few days to test all our systems, load gear and get our feet wet. We are members of the AGLCA (America's Great Loop Cruiser's Association.) Someone from the group coined the phrase "Sloopers". This term fits us to a T. We are Slow Loopers once again! This season, we hope to cross our wake and complete this amazing journey!

Mystic at Frank Hall Marina, preparing to return to our Great Loop Adventrue

Only six weeks ago we dipped our toes in the Pacific Ocean along the beach at Umpqua River Lighthouse. During our stay here, we walked Napatree Point and dipped our toes in the Atlantic. We think it's a great way to mark our return to this amazing adventure.  

Enjoying a walk along Napatree Point