Monday, January 2, 2023

Rubber Band Resolutions

The end of December brought relief from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season but it arrived on the coattail of the first day of a bitter winter. We were knee deep into the season of intense cold, short days, and snow that kept falling and accumulating. The days would begin to lengthen, but only one minute at a time as the temperature dropped. In spite of this, something deep inside of us begins to bubble up, encouraging us to ignore the discomfort of the season. Everything feels possible. We get outside to enjoy the beauty of winter and find ourselves humming with a sense of optimism and excitement for spring.

Christmas 2023

Snow on cherry trees Stillwater MN

Snow canopy Stillwater MN 

Winter wonderland in our backyard

Snow accumulation on our deck

'Snow' Men on Standing Cedars Trail

Hiking Standing Cedars Trail

Hiking Buttermilk Falls

January 1st is when we are supposed to make our New Year's resolutions. I've never been a huge fan of this tradition. In my younger years, my resolutions were directed at silly goals like attempting to lose a crazy amount of weight. In 2015 I changed how I look at resolutions by making the choice to be brave for the coming year. I was proud of myself, however I made note at the end of the year that there was room for me to be MORE brave in 2016. 

Blog Post: A Year of Being Brave

This year, my resolution is directed at something I've been struggling with since the start of the pandemic. The world's state of affairs, the cancel culture, and the negativity that permeates society in general has led me to resolve to turn my back on this nastiness and strive to live in the positive. I'll watch less TV, avoid social media, and walk away from those who expect me to live as they say, not as they do. I will attempt to be part of the solution rather than contribute to the problem. I'll wear a proverbial rubber band around my wrist to snap anytime I feel myself falling into the chasm of negativity, anxiety, anger or frustration. I will focus on what makes me see myself as a better person.

Nestegg Marine Visit January 2023

Our dock is gone for the winter

Mystic with the tan cover
and blue bottom paint

Boats at rest at Nestegg Marine

A man and his boat 

As the snow begins to fall yet again, (we’re expecting 10 inches today), I smile and remind myself that I am in charge of my own happiness. We all get to hit the reset button of life each January. This only happens once a year and it happens right when I need it most; while we're waiting on the start of sailing season, the most positive time of the year!