Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Changing Scenery - Moving Mystic

The summer of 2024 turned out to be a different kind of year for us. Our buddy boat friends, Dan and Nena Mooney, who are also our partners in adventure, did not launch their boat Shoo Fly this year. Family responsibilities kept them on the hard, sitting directly behind our slip, where each day we were reminded that they weren't next to us on the dock.

Shoo Fly in our line of sight

Dan & Nena visiting Shoo Fly

Last year, we cruised the panhandle of Green Bay together on a fabulous eight day sail, getting our appetite wet for the longer trips and introducing Team Mooney to the excitement of cruising. We didn't take any long trips this year but we got in a lot of amazing sailing off of Menominee, Michigan with other boats from our marina. We danced beside Ric and Kathy aboard SuziQ, John and Jen took us for an evening sail aboard De Cabin, we jetted along the Menominee River in Jeff's 25 hp skiff Carolina II and followed 79 year old Paul on his solo adventures aboard his C&C Prima.

SuziQ passing us on Green Bay

We've been at Nestegg for three years now, arriving in 2021 after completing our America's Great Loop adventure. Things have changed greatly during our stay. The marina sold two years ago and has slid into a steady decline in spite of the increase in prices last fall, this spring and now again this fall. In addition, we've had issues with homeless folks boarding boats, thefts, and overall trespassing along the docks. Lack of security is a huge issue. It doesn't feel the same.

Several folks left Nestegg this summer due to the reasons above. One friend, Jeff on the Shannon Departure II, received a $1,000 increase in his slip fee. He gave up his deposit, (the marina puts in small writing that it is non-refundable but did not warn him of the increase before he put money down.) Jeff moved 25 miles south to a tiny mom and pop marina called Hi Seas. The price dropped for him by half. 

Departure II under sail

In addition to the culture and cost changes at Nestegg, we are not huge fans of the noise from highway 41. The sound of ambulances crossing the bridge and trains honking their way through town is nearly constant. The ship builder just south of us smells terrible under an easterly wind and our boats get covered with welding and grinding dust. We tolerated all of this because the cost to stay was lower than any marina around. Not anymore though! Nestegg is charging top dollar for a bottom dollar experience. Frankly, it's a bit insulting! 

Ship builder just south of our dock

After a couple unpleasant incidents on our dock, we decided to take a drive down to see Jeff and check out Hi Seas. We met Bret who owns the marina with his wife. The yard was clean and organized with boats already on the hard lined up neatly on jack stands. We were on a cradle at Nestegg, which raised our boat an extra three feet off the ground. It is quite unnerving to add Mystic's winter cover from 12 feet up with no safety net below us. At Hi Seas we'd be on jack stands with a surprising cut in cost of 50% for winter storage!

Change is hard. We've made friends at Nestegg. We will miss our dock neighbors and the late night gatherings around the fire pit. Next year, we hope to finally cruise again. This is just the beginning for us. It is the nudge we needed to kick start our plans for next year. 

Sunset on Menominee River

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