We had a beautiful day of travel from Buffalo to Dunkirk. The jetty was dotted with windmills and light houses. Osimo moved beside us on the lake, looking lovely with her head gear standing tall. Running about four miles off shore, we saw something bobbing on the lake. As we approached we realized it was a fender. We slowed to grab it.
Osimo moving along Lake Erie |
Sue enjoying the view |
Bob taking in the Lake |
When we arrived at Dunkirk, Osimo entered the harbor first. We were on two separate docks across from each other with a channel between us. Dave made a circle to stay out of Bob's way. We brought Mystic into our slip and could see that the dock was bucking. The wind was pushing us away from our slip toward the boat next to us. Dave put Mystic in forward but the bouncing pushed us up under a wooden rail. Our bowsprit was stuck and crashing into the post with each wave. I had to scream over the noise to tell him we needed to go in reverse as I aimed the bowsprit back out of danger. Very quickly, we knew this was not going to be a pleasant experience!
Our brief stay in Dunkirk, New York will forever be remembered as one of our worst docking experiences. We came off of Lake Erie into a protected breakwater that, somehow, didn't protect the harbor from chop and waves. The floating metal docks bounced and twisted and squeaked, loudly! There were no cleats to tie off to. Instead, 4x4 posts were at each corner. They appeared to be bolted tightly but were actually flimsy and ready to be snapped off by any rogue wave. The harbor was very weedy too. As we made our way to our slip our depth finder bottomed out at three feet when it bounced off the thick carpet sitting right under the surface. Bob and Sue pulled a tangle of weeds bigger than Sue off their stern thruster.
The squeaky docks of Dunkirk
We paid $53 to stay at Dunkirk, (with our BoatUS discount). We spent a terrible night in a slip where the squeak never ceased. Mystic rocked and pitched all night. We didn't get any sleep! On the bright side, the town was adorable. We took a long walk around Lighthouse Point, visiting Dunkirk Light and Point Gratiot Park. The lighthouse was closed but the park was lovely, with beaches, a playground and gazebos for picnicking. We enjoyed a cold beer with Bob and Sue at the cute outdoor marina bar on the pier. It was a busy place; popular with the locals. A guy at the bar told us to try the Buffalo Big Ditch Brewery Hayburner IPA. He said it is the best beer in New York. We had fun but would not recommend a marina stop at Dunkirk Holiday Harbor. The dock situation ruined it for us. Later we would learn that we could have stayed at the City Pier for free. It might have been a little rough but it would have been better than where we were!
Buoy at Point Gratiot Light |
Point Gratiot Light |
Dunkirk Pier |
Bathrooms this way |
Sue at Dunkirk Pier Pub |
Dunkirk Pier |
Dunkirk Holiday Harbor |
We were very happy to drop our lines and head out first thing in the morning. We were tired but eager to step our mast in Erie, Pennsylvania. Dunkirk will quickly become a funny story about our adventures on America's Great Loop!
Osimo under Dunkirk Harbor Sunset
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