We live in historic Stillwater, the birthplace of Minnesota. It is a popular tourist destination. Each Christmas, our downtown is bustling with visitors, immersed in finding treasures in the unique local shops. The restaurants are filled with hungry, happy shoppers. The pubs are popular with locals and those returning home for the holidays. It's usually the perfect spot to run into old friends; but this year it's quiet. Eating and gathering establishments are closed due to the Covid pandemic. People have been encouraged to stay home. On most days, Stillwater is a barren ghost town. Late in December, our city decorated downtown for the holidays with a special light show. Chestnut Street, which leads to the historic lift bridge, is closed off and illuminated with magical color and flair. Music is choreographed with dancing lights. Visitors can wander through the city streets and along the scenic St. Croix River with distance separating their shared connection. A food truck offers snacks and hot chocolate. The goal is to bring a bit of cheer to our Hallmark downtown during a gloomy 2020 holiday season.
Chestnut Street Winter Wonderland |
Frozen Dave |
Frozen Beth |
Stillwater Lift Bridge Illumination
Frozen snow covered St. Croix River |
Beth by Stillwater Lift Bridge |
Stillwater Light Show, Chestnut Street |
Light Tree |
Chestnut Street in Lights |
Father Daughter Pose |
Blustery Light Show |
Changing Colors |
Stillwater Christmas Tree, Lowell Park |
Water Street Inn Holiday Highlights |
Dancing In The Street
We find ourselves drawn back to the lights often; making our way downtown over and over to wander around with other hearty folks. The festive atmosphere and fresh air are delightful. It feels good to be outside. The lights and music make us smile and dance in the street. Winter arrived the week before Christmas, bringing substantial snow. Downtown Stillwater is a winter wonderland. It helps us forget, for just a moment, the curse of 2020.
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