We're at Farley's State Marina in Atlantic City, hoping to move north but the weather forecast remains sketchy. We decided to stay here, safe and snuggled in at a marina that charges $3.00 per foot, by far, the most we've paid on the loop. At about 7:50 am we heard a loud boom. We didn't think much of it until we began to a smell nasty burning smell. Dave looked out our hatchway and saw a billowing black cloud. There was a fire on the docks. We ran to see if there was anything we could do to help. I grabbed my camera on our way out. By the time we got from dock H to dock B, the fire and rescue had arrived. We were told by witnesses that a man came running from the explosion, badly burned and screaming for help. He had already been assisted by bystanders, then by paramedics and was on his way to the hospital. Later we learned that he was severely injured and had been airlifted to a specialty burn hospital. This is a terrible thing: a boater's nightmare!
The Coast Guard is located right next to us near Dock J. They brought a fire boat over and began throwing water on the inferno. The fire department hauled huge hoses down the long pier with fireman carrying the heavy hoses on their shoulder about 5 feet apart. They wore heavy 40+ pound clothing and equipment, and worked incredibly hard to get things under control. They were able to beat it down within 20 minutes. As we watched, the firefighters begin to hack away at the boat's cabin and hull. Everyone was wondering if there was another victim inside but it turned out they were just making sure that no embers were simmering below deck. A crowd of people had formed; all of us shaken by the morning's events.
Our first view of the fire, Dave aboard Mystic |
Flames shooting 10 - 15 feet high above the burning vessel |
Flames seen through the dodger of nearby boats |
Firefighters hacking at the hull |
Boat to the right with fire damage |
Keeping water on the fire as they work |
Starting the investigation |
Video of Boat Fire - Farley's Marina, Atlantic City
We stopped by later and notice that the boat docked in the next slip over has been damaged too. The storage box is melting into the water while the boat that exploded has sunk beneath the surface with only the bow visible. We ask about the victim but no one seems to know how things turned out. Even the news reported only that he was severely injured and was being treated. This will bother us for months to come. It only takes a moment to change everything.
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