Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Catfish of the San Sabastian St. Augustine

We spent about a week on the docks at St. Augustine Marine Center before hauling out. We were able to exploring the town a bit. Whenever we returned to Mystic after a night out, we were greeted by a crazy site; CATFISH; huge schools of catfish. They appeared to be attracted to the light on the stern of a neighboring boat. It was fascinating to watch them as they scrambled over each other, trying to get closer to the light!

We thought this was so cool and looked forward to watching them. One night, we came home and found our dock illuminated with blue lights. The catfish absolutely loved it. It was like Christmas in June! It's hard to imagine that catfish would entertain us, but watching them was right up there with sighting manatees and alligators along the ICW. 

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