I was in the kitchen when I heard a racket outside on our deck. I witnessed what appeared to be a pair of cardinals attacking a third female. I watched as the pair screeched at the obviously traumatized bird. It took me a while to understand that the pair where the parents and the injured bird was their fledgling who had crash landed on my deck. Mom and Pop tried to get little Miss to attempt another flight but finally left the poor young offspring on her own and flew away. She sat on my deck looking pathetic and distorted, almost folded in half backwards. I was entranced with her. I thought she might die right before my eyes but watched as she slowly unfolded into a more natural position; her breathing mellowed and she began batting her eyes as she looked around her and took in her situation. I made my way around the house and walked up the back steps to see if I could get close to her. She did not move until I sat on our park bench. The flutter of her wings as she flew a few feet surprised me. She landed right next to me on the bench, only inches away. I could have touched her, she was that close. We sat there, the two of us, just checking each other out for about five minutes. I still wasn't sure that she was uninjured but I could tell at such a close range that she was brand new at this flying thing and had scared the bejesus out of herself. There was no way she was going to rush the next test run! Sitting with me, on that bench, taking a moment to gather herself was far less frightening than her next flight. But after those few moments, she flew into our lilac bush and made a graceful landing.
Baby cardinal through my sliding glass door |
Life brought me a lesson in this little baby cardinal. Sometimes you just have to stop and sit for a while, take in the moment and quietly reflect on life. Just breath! But never give up! Before long, you'll be ready to spread your wings and fly off into better times. Learn from your mistakes; don't let them paralyze you with fear. Like that little cardinal on it's first flight, you will learn to perfect the skills you need to navigate life!
1 comment:
Well said Beth. Sometimes a deep breath and reflection can make circumstances manageable.
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