We took advantage of being in Southern CA to visit Minny's Yacht Surplus in Costa Mesa. Dave especially wanted to look at a "NEW" Storm Trysail listed on their website. We made a harrowing two hour round trip ride on the 405. Minny's Yacht Surplus was easy to find and the place was amazing! We could have spent days wandering through the cluttered isles just looking at all the fabulous gear, much of it vintage!
The shop stores sails in great bins that run from the ceiling to the floor, left to right along two walls. Our sail was in bin number 56 which just happened to be in a top bin some 15 feet up. Once we got it down, we were able to unroll it in the back lot to take a good look. It was perfect! Brand new and just the right size. Dave will have to replace the sail slugs to match the track he purchased but boy did we get a good deal paying $240.00 for a sail that retails for $500 - $1000! We wandered around the store for an hour, just taking everything in, trying to remember all the little things on our list. We picked up two new safety harness lines, at $5.99 each, to add to the extra safety harnesses we inherited from a friend. Dave also bought a head shackle for the new trysail. Like any thrift shopper, we were thrilled with our lucky find. We were in the right place at the right time!
Storm Trysail all wrapped up and easy to store. |
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