Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A Very Long Walk Through Boston

Our time in Boston was filled with memorable experiences. We took a long walk to the North End for St. Anthony's Festival. We asked who this Saint was and were told that he is the Saint of Lost Things! The festival was spectacular, with parades, blessings and lot's of Italian food. Attendees carried shrines draped in cash through the crowds. People pushed their way forward to add money to the ribbons held tightly by parishioners. We were standing in a street with balconies above us that overlooked the festivities. They were crowded with people. Suddenly, the band began to play and the people on the balcony started throwing ticker tape down on us. I had the sense to start filming this exciting gala!

St. Anthony's Feast
Ticker Tape Video

Shrine with a whole lot of money

After enjoying a plate of bruschetta, cheese slices with fresh tomato and a tortelini salad we left the party to find our way over to the sailing vessel the Constitution. We were thrilled to be able to tour the oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat, free of charge. I got some cool shots of this magnificent three masted heavy frigate, built in 1794!

We made our way along the Freedom Trail back to Bunker Hill. In addition to taking more photos, we planned to make a stop at the Warren, a cute little historic watering hole that was a favorite of Paul Revere. We enjoyed a cold beer and a lovely bowl of Clam Chowder! Our long walk was worth the time and effort. We truly felt like we became a part of this vibrant city!

The Warren

Reflection of us at the Warren

We made our way back to the Seaport District, taking a few more photos along the way. We want to remember it all! Every single moment is a memory of an experience worth revisiting!